A Guide On How Arboricultural Consulting Help

A tree consultant, often known as arboricultural consulting, is a professional with formal training and experience in tree maintenance and management. Particularly trees found in urban settings such as public spaces, private gardens, and private homes.


An AQF diploma In arboriculture is the very minimum need for employment in the field. As an applied science, this degree program equips students with a wealth of knowledge in areas like botany, horticulture, soil, tree structure, and morphology upon which arborists must rely when making evaluations and writing reports.


Please explain the role of the consulting arborist.

If you're still here, it's presumably because you're worried about a specific tree problem or you're familiar with the business and how complicated tree problems can be. Trees aren't the only thing that might cause problems; local and state tree regulations, Council mandates, neighbors, past, present, and future construction, as well as legal and planning concerns, can all play a role. Multiple parties may have interests in a situation, and these interests may conflict with one another.

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Troubleshooting problems like these are standard fare for a competent arboricultural consulting, although there is always more to learn. If an arborist has no idea how to handle a certain problem, they should be honest about it.

So, when would you need the assistance of a consulting arborist?

  • Plans detailing how trees around new buildings must be trimmed.
  • Reports required by the Council's development and planning standards, which may include an assessment of the anticipated impact on trees from site activities and detailed advice on maintaining the trees' health and condition in and around your property.
  • Recommendations for the safe and effective management of trees in public and private settings, including parks, yards, streets, and playgrounds.
  • Determine if tree roots are causing harm to structures, and if so, what may be done to stop it.
  • Selecting the right variety of trees when planting new trees can improve the trees' chances of surviving and growing, as well as boost biodiversity by using less common tree species.
  • When it comes to designing around trees, arboricultural consulting consultants who are also trained in design (like New Leaf Arboriculture) can offer advice on how to best achieve both practical and aesthetic goals.
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Summarising as:-

Arboricultural consulting at the professional level has the necessary training and insurance to offer advice to clients on trees, tree management, and the construction of structures near trees. The phrase "remove or retain" should not be the only option provided by a competent consulting arborist; rather, the arborist needs to be able to steer the decision-making process regarding the trees. Over the past few years, there has been significant progress made in the management of trees and urban forests. In many situations, it is feasible to arrive at a solution that is beneficial for all parties, which will allow you to achieve your goals as a house owner, developer, council, or other authority, while also protecting trees and the many benefits they provide. Want to consult our expert arborists? Call us now on (619) 650 6348 to avail the right guidance and solutions for your arboriculture issues.